To mechanically stimulate your plants is an example of Thigmomorphogenesis. A Greek word that can be broken down to three parts:
Thigmo – To Touch
Morpho – To Change
Genesis – To Create
Hear the pronunciation of Thigmomorphogenesis:
In layman’s terms, it means to mechanically stimulate (touch) a plant to alter growth (change) and promote new life (create). It is a proven scientific fact that plants can benefit from stresses in the same manner animals do. Nature has been stressing life for billions of years. Sessile organisms (an organism this is anchored to a substrate and cannot move about freely) do not have the ability to move between shelter and outdoor stimuli. Therefore, plants grown indoors do not have the same environmental stimuli they were designed to defend against.
Manmade devices currently being used to mimic this do not fully utilize what is available. As an example, oscillating fans are a common tool to help stimulate thigmomorphogenesis. However, using the Ganjagrid PVT enables multiple types of constant or variable stresses to be incorporated.

The environment was taken into consideration during the development of the GanjaGrid PVT. As a cannabis grower, you have many options for canopy management, harvesting and drying tools. Let’s break this down further.
Canopy management tools typically include plastic, nylon or braided organic materials. All of these have a larger environmental impact compared to the Ganjagrid PVT. Plastic or nylon netting are by far the most detrimental as they typically are used for one harvest and then thrown out. This type of netting is not biodegradable and typically ends up in the ocean or landfill. Braided organic materials may be better for the environment initially, but they are also typically used for one harvest as they are absorbent and if not cleaned between harvest, may contaminate the next grow.
Harvesting cannabis when using a canopy management system such as plastic or nylon netting is a labor-intensive process that typically damages the colas and trichome’s when removing them which relates to inefficiencies in labor and materials. Ganjagrid is made of aluminum which is one of the most environmentally friendly metals on the planet and can be used year over year.
An additional feature of Ganjagrid is the transfer from growing space to drying room/facility. Typically, this process involves removing the canopy management system and then each individual plant is cut and moved to a drying rack either as a complete plant or per branch. Using the Ganjagrid may reduce labor and materials because the plant is attached to the structure which can be used as the drying rack. Simply cut the main stalk, remove the Ganjagrid and plant together, flip it over and place in your drying room/facility.

Ganjagrid’s structure is made from lightweight aluminum and woven together for strength. It is designed to be versatile, customizable and scalable thus allowing for multiple configurations, sizes and uses. There are Ganjagrid models to fit all your needs including but not limited to multiple types of growing techniques, methods and growth stages:
Canopy management
LST (low stress training, HST (high stress training), Bonsai training
Single pot
Single pot with extenders (multiple contact)
Pot/substrate secured
Solid/liquid/gas substrate types
Tissue culture